A PIM system for process optimisation - brix - News & Insights - brix - Basel/Allschwil

A PIM system for process optimization

by Philipp Böhner

17. September 2021 4 minutes
Why a PIM system should be part of the process optimization in your own company. And how you can also benefit from it.
PIM Prozessoptimierung

Why a PIM system?

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When the acquisition of a product information management system is discussed in a company, the focus is often on a few, more technical aspects. For example, creating a single central data repository (Single Source of Truth / SSOT) or identifying ways to optimize product data quality.

These two aspects alone bring benefits and can make a big difference for a company. Especially for a company's own online presence, its own online store or the transfer of product information to an e-commerce platform, the quality and completeness of product data play a decisive role. It is an open secret that visitors to the corresponding website or store will go to the competition if the quality, completeness and presentation of the product information are not sufficient.

But is it really worthwhile to purchase PIM software for better data quality? If you compare the acquisition, project and licensing costs of such software, many companies decide against the PIM system.

But what would the comparison look like if a PIM system could bring significantly more and long-term benefits to the company? If the PIM system would help to achieve strategic company goals better and significantly faster?

A question of perspective

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In many companies, the prevailing view is that a PIM system belongs to the responsibility of product management or marketing and should also only be maintained and used by these teams. However, this severely limits the potential benefits of a PIM tool.

Experience shows that companies that succeed in establishing and communicating a more holistic view of the PIM system can derive far greater benefit from it. If the tool can be seen as a service for improving collaboration throughout the company and with the common goal of increasing customer value, all departments benefit and acceptance is much higher.

The overlooked advantage: process optimization

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What if a PIM system could support you in making internal processes in your company transparent and improving them in such a way that a clear increase in efficiency results?

Central data storage in a PIM system creates an overview of the overall status of product information. For example, for which sub-range are the necessary data sheets often missing? For which products is the research and creation of product texts particularly time-consuming? In which area are there more returns of ordered products? Is important information missing there? With a better overview, bottlenecks can be identified more easily and resources in the company can be used in a more targeted manner.

Rights and tasks can be distributed to individual user roles in a fine-grained manner according to need. Clear roles and a standardized approval process enable employees to work more independently. Notification of open or completed tasks provides an overview and eliminates detours and multiple loops. From the simple onboarding of product data by the supplier, to the management of translations, to the final release for the online store or print catalog by the product manager – all participants can be involved in one process. Optimizations can thus be applied along the entire process chain and achieve a much greater effect.

The result: less hassle, more efficiency, simplified identification of holes in the process chain and ultimately fewer delays in time-to-market.

Why brix?

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With us you get tailor-made consulting with a proven background. Our professionals from the areas of Product Information Management (PIM) and Business Process Management (BPM) are at your disposal with their years of experience. Talk to us.