Article-based search with brix:anura - brix - News & Insights - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Article based search for brix:anura

by Veronika Altenbach

23. September 2022 1 minute

The article-based search via brix:anura frees retailers from the tedious task of compiling article images. Particularly in retail, this option offers enormous saving potential in terms of image procurement effort.

The manufacturer provides retailers with product images including their product information via the brix:anura media portal. Depending on the product range they sell, they can easily find and download the required product images using a list of article numbers.

Dealers know the article numbers and can thus obtain all relevant images with a single click. And thanks to the completeness check, the manufacturer immediately recognizes whether images are still missing.

Provide your dealers with the product images that they need

Discover the full functionality of brix:anura

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