brix:papilio 7.0 The latest features and improvements - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Web-to-print – even more functional and user-friendly

by Veronika Altenbach

29. November 2019 1 minute

In the current version brix:papilio 7.0 (Web-to-Print) we were able to realize numerous customer requests and optimizations.

The following is a selection of the new functions and improvements:

  • Post-rendering possible in the order process
  • Attach file to an order
  • Partial editing of fixed content (text inside curly brackets)
  • Set image focus (with the brix CELUM Extension Focal Point Setter)
  • Inheritance of group administrator rights possible
  • brix:papilio integration into CELUM DAM
  • Single Sign-on (SSO) with SAML 2.0
Papilio helvetia

New effects (transparencies)

In the «General» tab, the blend mode of an element can now be set. It allows to apply advanced effects (transparencies) when several elements are positioned on top of each other.

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