Camunda Champions Summit 2023 - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Camunda Champions Summit 2023

by Christian Mächler

09. January 2024 2 minutes

On November 28, 2023, the first meeting of the newly crowned Camunda Champions took place. After three rounds of getting to know each other in smaller groups, the event continued with informative presentations. At the beginning, Bernd Rücker (CTO of Camunda) dispelled concerns about «low code». With Camunda, this in no way means less freedom for developers, but rather the possibility of creating higher levels of abstraction with little effort. An example of this would be the implementation of a connector that does not require any knowledge of the underlying interface. Mo Ladha (Product Manager) then gave an insight into the planned but still secret features.

We can look forward to some innovations in the area of connectors, modeler and tasklist.

The presentations were concluded with my talk about our freely available template generator for Camunda Connectors: its necessity for us, why it can massively simplify and accelerate the development and maintenance of connectors, its features and operation.

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