Effective recommendations for data protection - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Effective recommendations for action to increase privacy compliance

by Sojo Nagaroor

10. August 2023 2 minutes

In an increasingly data-driven world, the protection of personal information is becoming more and more important. With the new Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) coming into force on September 1, companies face the challenge of complying with the new data protection regulations to avoid potential fines.

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nFADP challenges in focus

  1.  Transparency through record of processing activities:
    Companies are required to list their processing activities in detail. This helps you gain clarity about your data processing operations and builds trust among data subjects. Even if there are exceptions for less than 250 employees, we recommend keeping such a directory in any case.
  2. Skillfully fulfill data subject rights:
    Proper compliance with information and disclosure obligations to data subjects is crucial. Clear and comprehensible information helps to strengthen trust and avoid potential misunderstandings.
  3. Obtain consent – but do it correctly:
    Legitimate consent for data processing is essential. We will show you process examples that illustrate how you can obtain and manage consent to make your data processing transparent and in line with legal requirements.
  4. Prepare for emergencies – prepare for data protection incidents:
    Businesses can be significantly impacted by data leaks. That's why we offer valuable advice on developing effective procedures to respond appropriately to data breaches, minimize the damage, and notify affected individuals appropriately.

Our solution: Practical recommendations for action and comprehensive checklist

To help you on your way to improved privacy compliance, we have developed a collection of visualized recommendations for action. Our package includes a checklist to help you identify hidden risks and implement the required processes for the new Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP). You will also learn about all the preparation, execution, and response processes in the data protection lifecycle.

Your path to more data security

Register today to get access to our practical recommendations for action and the comprehensive checklist.

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