Event Recap: Camunda Con 2024

by Kevin Lang

17. May 2024 3 minutes
Camunda Con24

For the third time, we traveled to the CamundaCon in Berlin, which took place on May 15 and 16 this year. This time, Christian Mächler (Camunda Champion) and Kevin Lang (Camunda Chapter Lead Basel) had the honor of participating in the pre-program.

The "Meet the Speaker" evening, which took place in the FABRIK23 – a very stylish location – invited participants to network with the speakers. Delicious food and a selection of refreshing drinks rounded off the evening.

Unconference and the discussion on the future of the Camunda community

On the opening day of CamundaCon 2024, an unconference began, in which the participants contributed discussion topics at the start. A vote was then held to decide which of these topics should ultimately form the focus of the unconference.

A topic that is particularly close to Christian and Kevin's hearts, namely the future of the Camunda community, was selected as one of the favored topics and discussed in a small group under their moderation.

In an exciting exchange between participants facing similar challenges and Camunda employees, two central topics were highlighted:

  • Continuation of the community without Community Edition: it became clear that Camunda will continue to actively support the community.
  • Pricing model for Camunda: Camunda is looking for suitable solutions for customers with a limited budget in order to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to use Camunda.

Keynotes, presentations and insights from customers

After a delicious lunch, founder Jakob Freund opened the conference with an inspiring keynote.

Further presentations took place in 4 break-out rooms, covering technical topics as well as general information about Camunda and practical insights into its use by customers.

The event ended with a relaxed barbecue at the harbor, where delicious food was served and a DJane provided musical entertainment.

Hackday and conclusion

The second day started with a hackathon where participants were able to demonstrate their skills in using Camunda. This was followed in the afternoon by further talks and presentations of the hackathon results.


All in all, CamundaCon 2024 was a complete success. The event offered a successful mix of specialist topics, networking opportunities and social get-togethers. The balancing act between community and business was mastered perfectly.

Surprise at the end

The next CamundaCon will not take place in Berlin as before, but in Amsterdam.

We would like to thank all the organizers and speakers for the successful event and look forward to the next CamundaCon 2025.

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