Hidden potential for product information - brix - News - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Press release: Lots of hidden potential for product information in companies

by Philipp Böhner

16. September 2021 3 minutes

A lot of dormant potential for product information in companies

PIM Einsatz Uebersicht

Allschwil/Basel, 16. September 2021 – Information as a valuable resource is becoming increasingly important in companies – especially due to digitalization and the growing relevance of e-commerce. Nevertheless, the enormous potential that product information holds is still far from being fully exploited in many companies. This is shown by a recent study by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) on the use and benefits of product information management systems.

All-round view on customer benefits

Of particular interest: the study combines a qualitative and quantitative perspective and involved around 100 companies of different sizes and economic sectors from the entire DACH region, in addition to ten experts with many years of experience in the product information environment. «We were very happy to support this ZHAW study together with our partner novomind because it focuses primarily on customer benefits and shows potential for increasing them», says Roland Kannappel, CEO of brix IT Solutions, one of the sponsors of the study.

Extensive tools – limited use

The study results show that while around half of the companies surveyed already use a system to manage product information, its use is often limited to a few, more technical aspects. According to the experts, there is still plenty of untapped potential, especially in the area of online presences and e-commerce. But the use of a PIM system for improved collaboration or as part of process optimization to achieve strategic corporate goals is also not yet widespread.

More profit through holistic understanding

In general, it can be seen that understanding a PIM system is one of the decisive factors for its successful introduction and use. According to the experts, companies that succeed in establishing and widely communicating a holistic corporate vision of their own needs and goals and the possibilities of a PIM system could benefit more and more quickly from the introduction of such a system. Having internal know-how available and incorporating it into the project would bring massive additional advantages. The study underscores the finding that a PIM system is far more than a central database or an editor for product information if the solution is viewed and used as a service for added value for customers, for improved collaboration within the company and with partners, and for corporate development.

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