PIM preliminary project - brix - News & Insights - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Are you thinking about introducing a PIM system?

by Ingmar Nowak

21. July 2022 4 minutes

We explain which points you should consider during the implementation so that the project does not fail and why a preliminary project makes sense.

Product Information System

Who are your stakeholders?

In larger companies, supplier data and product data are often maintained in different departments and in different systems. In many cases, product management and the marketing department, supported by the IT team providing the infrastructure, form the group of stakeholders of a future PIM system.

In the preliminary project, we identify all stakeholders and their impact on the project together.

How is the product information managed?

Various manufacturers provide product information such as data sheets, price lists, images, Excel lists, etc. in a wide variety of quality:

  • In different languages
  • With or without VAT
  • In different quantity structures
  • Numerous formats
  • etc.
In addition, the data is managed in different structures depending on the department.

Master data such as product designations, article numbers and prices migrate into the ERP system and from there, for example, into the web store. Data for product sheets as well as various marketing contents for brochures, websites and other communication channels are prepared separately and stored individually.

To make this data available for further use in the various channels, it must be harmonized.

All important data streams are made visible in the preliminary project. This provides the basis for data coordination.

Where is the valid data located and who is allowed to access it?

Collect all relevant product data from the individual data silos in the right system – accessible to all stakeholders (single source of truth). Master data is (still) recorded in the ERP system, marketing-relevant content such as product descriptions in different language variants belongs in the PIM system, and assets such as images, videos, user manuals, etc. are housed in a DAM system.

With shared data storage, it is important to control access rights properly. It is not always easy for the IT department to configure the permissions with the necessary granularity.

In the preliminary project, recording your system landscape and the required roles and rights provides the necessary basis for decision-making. Together, we define the optimal processes for you.
The way to the right PIM system

All-in-one or Best-of-Breed?

Certain systems claim to be all-rounders. Depending on the required capabilities of an all-in-one system, this may meet your requirements. However, we follow the best-of-breed approach, according to which the most suitable systems for a particular application are put together according to your needs and seamlessly integrated with each other.

In the preliminary project, we determine which systems best fit your requirements and your system landscape. And how you can use them optimally. You can leave the integration to us.

The goal: More productivity for product managers

With the implementation of the new solution, product management has the following advantages:

  • central storage for all product information
  • simple and short communication channels – even across departments
  • automated distribution of product information to the relevant communication channels
  • clear task and workflow management for the coordination of tasks
  • fast updating of changed data across all systems
  • certainty about data quality

A well-managed pre-project allows you to reap the full benefits.

Start a preliminary project with us

Let us analyze your data models and processes together to find the right solution for you.

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