Customised imports with Akeneo PIM - brix - News & Insights - brix - Basel/Allschwil

Tailored Imports for Akeneo PIM

by Veronika Altenbach

18. August 2022 1 minute

Easily import supplier data into your Akeneo PIM without prior conversions.

Manual adjustment of tables to fit the import profile belongs to the past. The conversion of measurement units (e.g. from inches to millimeters) and the replacement or merging of values (e.g. for colors) is now fully automated.

The «Tailored Imports» feature is available for Akeneo PIM Growth and Enterprise Edition and helps you to configure your mapping including logical operations for your import independently.

Product information from Excel files can thus be automatically mapped to match your product data during each import.

Tailored Import Replacement

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