Asset Exporter
Use the extension «Asset Exporter» to provide your media content specifically to one or more third-party systems in the correct format and with the correct file name, e.g. a web store or Content Delivery Network (CDN).
If required, your assets can be exported automatically at certain time intervals to the destination you configure to suit your needs.
Within the user interface you can choose between different configuration options per task:
- Export location (local, FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, DigitalOcean, Microsoft SharePoint & Azure Blob Storage)
- Export types (search export, node export)
- Node structure and recursiveness
- Conflict behavior (for assets with the same name)
- Delta mode
- Download format
- Interval
In addition, assets can be exported according to certain search criteria or from a specific folder/node. Public URLs generated during the export can be written back to the asset in CELUM.
For a better overview, there is an option to automatically set information fields to a pre-defined value, for example set a status field to «exported».
Metadata can also be exported as a CSV or Excel file if necessary.
The integrated «Search Preview» function allows you to check whether the assets available for export are exported according to your defined filter criteria.