Global Statistics
This plugin answers the following questions with a single click:
- How many assets are in the DAM system?
- How many of them have no asset type or invalid information fields?
- Which asset types are downloaded and used how often?
- How many assets are in a specific node type?
- How much storage space is used for the assets?
- And what is its distribution per file category (image, video, etc.)?
- Which active users and user types are present?
If the usable space of the data store is restricted, a quota can be specified. Only the original files (without previews) are considered in the calculation.
For companies with autonomous units, it is possible to configure dedicated users with separate quotas for their area of responsibility.
To our hosting customers we provide the plugin free of charge.
Should you also need statistics on asset level, take a look at the «Asset Statistics» plugin.

All statistics at a glance with just one click